This time we’ll verbalize about TV shows and movies peregrinate. Let’s start by mentioning the 1000 program places to visually perceive afore you die, a documentary series that explores different cultures of countries. These programs broadcast in 2007, can be found on DVD. Some of the destinations of the series were Alaska, Australia, Brazil, France, Hawaii, Italy, Cambodia, Canada, India, Mexico, Nepal, Peru and South Africa.

Additionally worth mentioning the case of 180 ° South, a documentary film d 2010, directed by Chris Malloy, which covers a peregrination from Ventura, California to Patagonia in Chile. The film mimics the peregrination by Yvon Chouinard and Doug Tompkins in 1968.

Chanel Peregrinate program, Holiday incredible, is a documentary series predicated on dream houses to stay when peregrinating around the world. Here we optically discerned tree houses, house lights, among others.

Finding Farley is a documentary in 2009 that goes abaft the literary footsteps of the Canadian inditer Farley Mowat in Canada. It is a peregrination on foot across 1,500 kilometers. It is worth mentioning that the film won Best Film at the 2010 Festival Banff Mountain Film.

Journey to Mecca: In the Footsteps of Ibn Battuta is a document that is awarded on the first journey made by the Islamic philomath Ibn Battuta, from Morocco to Mecca in 1325. The film additionally has current images of Muslim pilgrimages. The film was made ??in Morocco and Saudi Arabia.

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